Call Talk Radio

Thousands of voters listen to talk radio and it's a great place to get the word out about Mark and his commitment to Michigan's middle class families. Call talk radio now and speak out about Mark's commitment to fair trade, a better economy and ending the war in Iraq. Before calling the talk radio show, write down the one or two points (you won't have much time!) that you want to make. Prior to making the call, think about some of the points the host might make in response and make sure you're ready with your rebuttals. Please feel free to keep the following points in mind:
  • Tim Walberg is a George Bush Republican who has consistently rubber stamped the President's agenda. He's a steadfast supporter of the war in Iraq and trade policies that ship our jobs overseas.
  • Mark Schauer is a proven leader who has brought business and labor to create jobs.
  • Mark Schauer opposed the war in Iraq from day one and will work to bring the war to a responsible end.

5:00 AM - 5:30 AM WBCK

First Light with Dirk Van
  • Phone: (269) 963-5555
  • E-mail:

5:00 AM - 6:00 AM WKHM

The Wall Street Journal Report
  • Phone: NONE
  • E-mail: NONE

5:00 AM - 9:00 AM WBOI

Morning Edition
  • Phone: (202) 513-3232
  • E-mail: